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發布日期 : 2023-04-14 最後更新日期 : 2023-10-16



研討會主題: AI-Powered Learning: Shaping the Future of Education



並將的論文摘要,在9月15日前.,寄給趙娟黛教授以及雷若琬教授,電子郵件信箱地址: sylvia623tw@gm.lhu.edu.twmonicalei0119@gmail.com



Conference Date: Friday, November 3, 2023

Abstracts, PPT or full paper Submission deadline: September 15, 2023


Dear Educators,

We are pleased to welcome all participants to the conference call on “AI-Powered Learning: Shaping the Future of Education.” Technology has revolutionized almost every aspect of our lives recently, and education is no exception. The emergence of digital platforms, online resources, and new pedagogical approaches have transformed the way we teach and learn, making education more accessible, flexible, and interactive than ever before. This conference call provides educators, students, and researchers an excellent opportunity to share their experiences and insights on leveraging digital tools and strategies to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Through this collaborative effort, we can explore new educational frontiers and create a more inclusive and engaging learning environment for all. We invite submissions of original research papers, work-in-progress reports, and case studies on the following subcategories related to “AI-Powered Learning: Shaping the Future of Education.” Articles can be theoretical or empirical and can utilize a range of methodologies. We welcome papers that address practical problems, theoretical debates, or policy issues related to teaching and learning in any geographic context. We also welcome interdisciplinary reports that integrate insights from multiple disciplines.

Submissions are welcome in the following subcategories (but not limited to):

  1. English Mediate Instruction (EMI)
  2. AI-assisted Learning
  3. Digital Environment
  4. Blended Learning
  5. Mobile Learning
  6. Distance Language Learning
  7. E-learning development
  8. Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) and Language Learning
  9. Language & Digitalization
  10. Others